
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Inventions I
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Which inventor created a 100 film camera back in 1888 ?


George Eastmann
Frederick Scott Archer
William Henry Fox Talbot
Louis Jacques Daguerre

Which German patented the Metronome in 1866 ?


Joseph von Frauhofer
Johann Nepomuk Maelzel
Berthelemy Thimonnier
Aloys Senefelder

Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec invented the first what in 1819 ?


Friction Match
Sewing Machine

Which Frenchman invented the pinchcord in 1804, which led to advances in the textile industry ?


Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
Joseph - Marie Jacquard
Andre Jacques Garnerin
Louis Jacques Daguerre

Who invented the wet colloidal process in 1851 which saw a growth in commercial photography ?


George Eastmann
Frederick Scott Archer
William Henry Fox Talbot
Louis Jacques Daguerre

Which playwriter and printer created Lithography during 1798 in Germany ?


Joseph von Frauhofer
Johann Nepomuk Maelzel
Berthelemy Thimonnier
Aloys Senefelder

In 1814 which German invented the prism spectroscope ?


Joseph von Frauhofer
Johann Nepomuk Maelzel
Berthelemy Thimonnier
Aloys Senefelder

Which Frenchman invented the 1st practicable photographic process capturing & fixing images in 1839


Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
Joseph - Marie Jacquard
Andre Jacques Garnerin
Louis Jacques Daguerre

Who invented creating positive paper photographs from negative images, back in 1835 ?


George Eastmann
Frederick Scott Archer
William Henry Fox Talbot
Louis Jacques Daguerre

John Walker, an English Chemist made the first what in 1826 ?


Friction Match
Waterproof Cloth

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012