
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Western Artists IV
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Which artist is famous for Sunflowers, Lillies, A Portrait of Dr Gachet ?


Pablo Picasso
Vincent Van Gogh
Francis de la Goya
Eugene Delacroix

Which artist is famous for Demoiselles d'Avignon, La Vie, Guernica, The Artist & The Model ?


Henri De Toulousse Latrec
Vincent Van Gogh
Pablo Picasso
Henri Matisse

Which American Artist, born 1928-1987, was known for Campbell's Soup & 210 bottles of Coca Cola,


Andy Warhol
Henri Matisse
Francis de la Goya
Jackson Pollock

Which artist b1881-d1973, who was Spanish, created the cubist art form


Henri De Toulousse Latrec
Vincent Van Gogh
Pablo Picasso
Henri Matisse

Which French artist, b1864-d1901, is best known for his paintings of the Moulin Rouge ?


Henri De Toulousse Latrec
Vincent Van Gogh
Pablo Picasso
Henri Matisse

Which of these artists was from the Netherlands and lived 1853-1890 ?


Pablo Picasso
Vincent Van Gogh
Francis de la Goya
Eugene Delacroix

American artist Winslow 1836-1910 is best known for his


Mythological Scenes

Which French artist 1798-1863 is known for The Death of Sardanplus and Liberty Leading People ?


Pablo Picasso
Henri Matisse
Francis de la Goya
Eugene Delacroix

Which French artist b1869-d1954 is known for Blue Nude, The Dance, View of Notre Dame & Odalisques ?


Henri De Toulousse Latrec
Vincent Van Gogh
Pablo Picasso
Henri Matisse

French Artist Camille Corot b1796-d1875 is best known for painting


Mythological Scenes

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012