
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Inventions VIII
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

During the mid 1800's the use of artificial fertilisers was pioneered by


Sir John Lawes / Joseph Gilbert
Jethro Tull
John Deere
Eli Whitney

In 1826 who invented a reaper with reciprocating knife and a rotary sweep, improving harvesting ?


Dan Albone
Rev Patrick Bell
John Deere
Rev William Lee

In 1904, Dan Albone produced the Ivel, the first commercially available British what ?


Seed Drill
Milking Machine
Combine Harvester

Designing the tractor and implement as an integral unit was pioneered in the 1930's by


Dan Albone
John Deere
Harry Ferguson
Eli Whitney

Logarithms were invented by which mathematician in 1617 ?


John Napier
Charles Wheatstone
Robert Hooke
David Brewster

In 1793 the cotton gin, which separated seed from cotton fibre, was invented by


Sir John Lawes / Joseph Gilbert
Jethro Tull
John Deere
Eli Whitney

Which Englishman invented the seed drill, which revolutionised agriculture in 1701 ?


Dan Albone
Jethro Tull
Sir Humphry Davy
Rev William Lee

Who invented the steel plough, which revolutionised agriculture, in 1837,


Sir John Lawes / Joseph Gilbert
Jethro Tull
John Deere
Eli Whitney

The miners lamp, which saved many miners lives, was invented in 1815 by


Rev William Lee
Christian Huygens
Sir Humphry Davy
Charles Mackintosh

The Stocking Frame was invented by which Englishman in 1598 ?


Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull
Sir Humphry Davy
Rev William Lee

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012